Reconditioned Siemens Avanto 1.5T








The reconditioned Siemens Magneton Avanto 1.5T is a full-body superconducting MRI scanner built with flexibility, dependability, and efficency for a wide array of clinical use cases.



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The reconditioned Siemens Magneton Avanto 1.5T is a full-body superconducting MRI scanner built with flexibility, dependability, and efficency for a wide array of clinical use cases.

Key Features

Have higher diagnostic confidence with Supurb magnet homogeneity and exceptional fat saturation.
Powerful gradients allow for high resolution with shorter scan times
Feet-first exams are available for nearly all MRI procedures.
Compact design for low-cost installation in minimal space.
TIM (Total Imaging Matrix) optimizes clinician’s workflows.
TIM features 76 adjustable integrated matrix coil elements and a total of 32 independent RF channels.
Syngo Inline Technology eliminates the need to wait for post processing and displays images immediately.
Phoenix technology allows clinicians to more easily reproduce exams by giving easy acccess to common protocols
AutoAlign removes the need for manual slice adjustments and allows allows technicians to reproduce slice positioning automatically
Moves up to PAT 16 without restrictions in body coverage.
AudioComfort features higher gradient performance while reducing noise by up to 97 percent.
Zero helium boil-off and low power cooling requirements.

Equipment Specs

Clinical Use: whole body
Gantry (Max. Clearance): 60 cm
Magnet Type: superconducting
Magnetic Field Strength: 1.5T
Patient Weight Capacity: 550 lb
Unit Weight: 5502 kg
Field of View: 5 mm to 205 cm without coil or patient repositioning
Minimum Room Size: 27 sq. m (length x width) x 2.4 m (height)
Table Height: Table lowers to 47 in.
Table Max Weight: supports up to 550 pounds
Disclaimer: The information on this page is meant to be an overview, check with the OEM for complete accurate specifications and features.

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Whether MRI, CT, PET, or ultrasound we take pride in providing the most dependable equipment and services in the market.

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We inspect every machine that we bring into inventory and if it passes our rigorous inspection then we actually do the work to bring that machine back up to OEM specifications so that it looks and performs like new.